Friday, September 17, 2010

So What If I'm Shallow?

Today in one of my creative writing classes, I was forced to tell the class about myself. When I mentioned having been to London, I said that I spent a majority of the trip shopping and that when I was in museums and other historically significant places, I was thinking about shopping. ("Yes, self. You really should go back to Topshop and buy that sequin jacket. Oh, cool building.") My class scoffed in an incredibly obvious manner. I could practically smell the waves of condescension being sent my way.

My professor, along with all of my snotty, well-read peers,
were appalled by my preference of clothes over more socially-acceptable-among-English-majors interests. I think this obnoxious reaction stems from that incessant need modern snobs have to put up an intellectual front instead of just admitting that they're not perfect. In a paper I wrote on Oscar Wilde back in April, I wrote, "Others denounce the act of being 'frivolous,' while Wilde celebrates it becuse it is better to flaunt one's true self than to be forced by society to put up a facade of moral righteousness to shield these shallow qualities." I loved writing that paper, not only because it was validating my existing beliefs, but because it reminded me that it's better to act like yourself, no matter how shallow he or she may be, than to put on a mask in order to impress an ever-judging society.

This is probably why I love Gl
ee so much. Have I not talked about Glee enough already? The character Kurt Hummel (played by the talented Chris Colfer, whom I love and adore) is not afraid to be himself. He dresses better than anyone at his school and he's not afraid to wear something different or outrageous. Kurt certainly wouldn't be ashamed to admit to his English class that shopping is the best activity London has to offer.

feel compelled to mention Clueless, which is one of my all-time favorite movies. Among all of her flannel and baggy pants-wearing peers, Cher wore fabulous jackets and cardigans, in addition to that epic Calvin Klein dress. As a woman of high standards, she knew that it's important to dress well, and was not ashamed to care about things that are considered by society to be shallow.

All of this whining leads me to conclude that no, Prof, I'm not going to write my next piece
on how beautiful the trees in London are, because that's not how I roll. I'm going to write about how shopping in that five-floor Topshop made me feel like a motherfucking princess.


  1. Can we talk about how everyone in my English classes looks at me the same way? I'm almost afraid to ever open my mouth. I've got a pop culture hating professor in one class, and a room full of snobs in another...

    And maybe 5 out of every 100 English students is good looking. I'm just saying.


  2. hahahaha omg I Love you Paige "Baby". If I was in your English Class I would have applauded you, and asked where you recommend I start first when I go.

  3. Good post, Paige. So the fuck what if you liked shopping more than checking out London's historical offerings? It's not hurting anyone and it doesn't make you a bad person. There is nothing wrong with being true to yourself. You know what would have been legitimately shitty? If you had gone up in front of your class and lied about how you teared up when you were in one museum, looking at a piece of art that was just so, like, PROFOUND and junk, *sniff*. Being honest and true to yourself is not a bad thing.

    And honestly, it's not like London (or any other historically rich location; basically all of Europe) is going to suffer for lack of attention and care. For every American girl who prefers shopping instead of paintings, there will be three history majors who will get a boner by visiting Buckingham Palace.

  4. Not going to lie, Clueless is one of my favorites too! Oh, and the way you describe your classmates is priceless. I know how you feel girl :]

  5. I love this post.
    and come to think of it, yeah, whenever your London trip has been brought up you've never spoken of anything other than the shopping scene over there and how everyone is much better dressed.

    Whatev. I'm sure you took the cultural aspect of "London" to heart, but hell, it's shopping.

  6. Nicole- I'm so glad you can relate. Ugh how is a professor supposed to connect to her students (i.e. you) if she hates pop culture? And you're so right about the 5/100 thing. Eye candy is not exactly plentiful in English classes.

    Stacy (I'm assuming, as no one else calls me "Baby") - Hahaha that's why we're friends.

    Erin - I'm glad you appreciate the honesty! Everyone else was talking about beautiful falls and living in the country blah blah blah. And rofl at "there will be three history majors who will get a boner by visiting Buckingham Palace." Hahaha.

    Chelsea - Of course you can relate! You care about clothes, too. Clueless is amazing.

    Stoppable - Ha I like how the last thing I said to you before reading this comment was "What you think all I do is shop?!" But it's true, and I'm glad you understand.

  7. i enjoyed how inspirational this entry was, about being yourself and blah blah blah, all until i got to the motherf****** part, that ruined my inspirational high pagina

  8. Mandypie, it was an incredibly necessary inclusion of an inside joke. Sorry to offend you, Mother Dearest!

  9. If there was a "like" button on blogspot, I would be pressing in now.

